I’m a first generation homeschooler, meaning I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into the day I chose to bring my children home. Naturally, my instinct was to recreate “school at home”, which never, ever works.. (More on recreating school at home on a later post)
After assigning designated seats (what was I thinking?), bulletin boards (which I still KIND OF keep up with), and following our county’s school calendar, this year I realized our family was in need of a more forgiving schedule. One that would aid us in our times of “homeschool burnout”, and for those that are not familiar with this term, let me assure you, it is very real my friends. It’s a period in which you’re absolutely exhausted and much of the joy you experience homeschooling your little ones is nonexistent. Not to mention, there isn’t a whole lot of learning happening when homes go awry. After much prayer and countless unnecessary hours of research, I believe it is year round school to the rescue…
I’ve chosen to complete six consecutive weeks of school and enjoy one week off, a 30/5 plan if you will. There were many questions and concerns that plagued me during my decision making… Would we still enjoy a summer break? When would I complete our yearly evaluations and promote each child? And finally, would my littles be on board with this plan? Well, the answers are simple.. Summer break will still exist however, it will be six weeks shorter. Those same six weeks will be spread out across our school year, and I truly feel it will make our time off so much sweeter. Our yearly evaluations will take place during our existing anniversary dates. That’s the beauty of this decision, there wasn’t much change that needed to take place, but boy do I have a feeling this is going to shift our school days into a more pleasant season.. The Modlin kids were completely on board here by the way. Their calendar math has never been sharper as they countdown to their first week off.
As I wrap up this post, I didn’t want to leave out one of the bigger parts of what I feel this decision really is. I tend to rely on my own strengths, no matter how many times I tell myself, “Jenn, this is bigger than you”.. When I found myself tired and ready for a change long before summer was on the horizon for us last year, I knew something had to give. I wish I could say that I prayed about it and went to bed, but I didn’t. Let me tell you, it got worse before it got better. A full schedule, a full house, and a move while school was in full swing… Yup, you guessed it, my plate was full. When I finally settled down into our new home, and finished up the last six weeks of curriculum, I felt an undeniable nudge to just “give it away”. As time went on I finally had clarity, and the things I was once intimidated by, like year round schooling, seemed completely logical. While things may not be perfect this year, I’m reminded of The One that is always steering this ship..
“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; He will never let the righteous fall.” Psalm 55:22
Was totally stuck until I read this, now back up and runginn.