Modlins Multiply

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Every year I set out to organize myself more efficiently than the year before. Whether it’s due to a new baby we added to the family, or the desire to change a system that didn’t work for us previously. The new year is a fresh start, and one of our favorite parts to this season are the gadgets that help us in being systematically, successful.

So here are a few of our favorite things…

Last year, I thought these would be nifty to add to our class. Before I purchased them, I was writing out ‘please correct and return, love Mom’, or ‘Great job!’. After I had them for a while, I realized how much they were actually saving me time. They also looked a lot nicer, and the kids thought they were really cool!


When I began schooling my little Modlins, one of the first things I went out and bought was an easel chalkboard/whiteboard for our Kitchen class. Ikea offered one that was practical and more importantly, small. We didn’t have much space to work with, and our easel was just the right size. I’ll, likely, never get rid of that little board, it’s one of the most endearing things I’ve acquired since bringing my kids home. But alas, Amazon is amazing and I found what I think is an even more practical way to complete our “Board Work”. To apply on your wall, you must have a flat finish drywall (no knockdown), and take it from me– have a credit card handy to get out all the bubbles.  You may also require an extra pair of eyes to get it even the first time you apply it. This is contact paper, and you can remove it and reapply it many times with no damage to your walls. You can also purchase this as a dry erase board, however, I chose chalk because it is MUCH easier to wipe off the walls.



Finally, another staple in our home is “Teacher Clips”.  A couple of them are not necessary as a homeschool class, but most of them really are helpful in keeping organized; particularly if you’re schooling a few, or more, kiddos. 



I hope you found these helpful.
Happy Planning!

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