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Allow Me to Change Your World in Five Minutes and Twenty Dollars…

It’s fair to say that I have A LOT of kids.. Not like, oh you decided against the “nuclear family” in this day an age, kind of size family.. I’m talkin’ this next baby is pushing us straight out of our standard minivan and right into a commercial van turned passenger van folks. So, I’ve picked up a few tricks here and there that I feel make it possible for me to still do things for myself (things like using the bathroom and brushing my teeth).

If there’s anything us moms struggle with in our efforts to take over the world everyday, it’s probably keeping up with our home. At any given time, you can find me reciting the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World to my mindful little learners, asking them nicely to stop talking, singing, or snapping their fingers while they’re brother is taking a test… You’ll also likely find me stewing over which task I’ll be able to tackle the moment EVERYONE seems as though they may not need me— which is usually never, so I really Houdini out of their site and into five minutes of my cleaning stupor, or as I like to call it “Gettin’ Stuff Done”….

For starters, I swoon over clean floors… This is nearly impossible with the amount of limbs that reside in this house. We have a total of seven people, and each person has two feet… If my homeschool math serves me correctly, that’s a whopping fourteen feet walking around. And on really lucky days, my boys might pretend they’re lions or some four legged beast— after they ate a bowl of Cheetos.. You get the picture. So I introduce you to an extension of Jenn.

This is just a dust mop, you say… It is so much more than that, and if used the “Jenn Way” you’ll find yourself completely obsessed and looking forward to mopping your floors. Okay, so maybe not looking forward to it, but it will make it so much more enjoyable, I promise!


Generally, dust mops are used to, well, dust your floors. But, I actually found that using this cloth as you would a mop and pairing it up with your favorite floor cleaner works miracles. It gets right up against your baseboards and under furniture, with ease. It’s also extremely durable! I put some serious miles on mine everyday, and I rarely have to replace it. Make this your favorite sidekick and you’ll also find that it actually gets better with time. 
I know you may be scratching your heads.. An entire post on a mop??? To this I say, Every Little Bit helps my friends… Get one and let me know what extra “thing” you were able to do for yourself post the “Miracle Mop”…
FYI: My go to cleaner is….


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